We develop operational strategies and logics to suit Air Conditioning Plants and Building Management Systems to control the building environments efficiently. We then follow up with plant tuning and balancing to the current standards. SSE investigates the plant’s operations and control logic while in tuning mode and will put forward enhancements to the plant and control logic performance as required.
System Solutions Engineering provides continual monitoring of many facilities’ energy performance, allowing considered and ongoing fine tuning of existing plants which have become inefficient. We also provide rectification and upgrade recommendations to keep mechanical plant up to the highest possible efficiency that meet energy consumption targets. This prevents buildings with older plant from becoming undervalued in the market place, when compared to newer, energy-efficient building stock. We also provide whole-of-life recommendations with technology refresh to help see buildings through to the next lifecycle.
Our major recent involvement has been with the auditing, and then sustainment of ageing plant and the adaptation of innovative technologies to enhance both performance and energy efficiency. We have been successful in the application for Government Grants wherein we have been able to improve markedly the energy (Star) ratings of buildings. The most recent and significant building has been 19 Grenfell Street Adelaide, Awarded “Best Sustainable Retrofit Project for 2011” achieving a Nabers Rating of 4 Stars. Other buildings of note include 91-97 Grenfell Street Adelaide, 99 Gawler Place, 45 Grenfell Street and 55 Currie Street, Adelaide.
System Solutions Engineering were awarded the 2011 Best Sustainable Retrofit for 19 Grenfell Street by AIRAH.
Our involvement ranges from buildings with specialist and tightly constrained air conditioning needs for Military related systems and training, where temperature, humidity and stability of conditions are imperative to the tasks performed, to specialist equipment cooling systems, ordinance storage & testing and general office air conditioning, all of which generally incorporate a level of redundancy for guaranteed system operation and protection of the systems and areas they serve.
Many of the sites are aged and non-compliant to today’s standards. SSE can offer this experience with the design of building services, auditing of facilities and specific plant for educational facilities.
System Solutions Engineering is assisting the building owner in achieving a 5-Star rated building at 19 Grenfell Street, Adelaide, and were awarded the AIRAH award for “The Best Sustainable Retrofit 2011”, where base building energy has been effectively halved from the time of our involvement.
System Solutions Engineering is also actively engaged with SMAC Technologies, Winner of "2011 Australian Clean Tech Open Award" Sponsored by The Department of Innovation Science and Research. SSE was the first design company in the world to commercialise the concept at Barmera Hospital, SA in 2001 and have been involved in its incorporation into the Art Gallery of SA, 91-97 Grenfell Street Adelaide, Citi Centre, 19 Grenfell Street, Adelaide and Flinders Medical Centre which was the first 5-Star Green Star Health Facility in Australia. The technology is now achieving traction and significant energy savings around Australia and overseas.
System Solutions Engineering were awarded the 2011 Best Sustainable Retrofit for 19 Grenfell Street by AIRAH.
SSE is actively engaged/retained to independently oversee the commissioning of buildings and for the ongoing fine tuning of facilities such as:
Whilst our services extend to all construction sectors including commercial, education, retail, health, corrections, community, sporting and the like, our largest and most significant engagement has been, and continues to be for the SA Health portfolio in all Metropolitan and Country Hospitals (more than 300 buildings). SSE is also actively involved with training of maintenance staff in the self-auditing of their facilities using a Traffic Light Reporting (TLR) tool which was jointly developed by System Solutions Engineering and SA Health.
Our expertise is used to inspect and assess existing buildings with regards to their compliance with the fire safety solutions of the Building Code of Australia and also those systems in respect to fire detection and protection systems specified through adopted standards. This may include both deemed-to-satisfy or alternative performance solutions necessary for approval in conjunction with the preferred building design and occupational parameters. We are able to carry out audits; determine upgrade measures to satisfy fire safety notices served by Building Fire Safety Committees' under legislation; deliver innovative solutions where found necessary and design systems required for all developments, ranging from offices, aged care/health facilities, warehouses, schools or shops.
For some of our projects, we hold all as-installed-information and maintain records. One of our most significant projects is the State Administration Centre, Victoria Square, for the Department of Treasury & Finance – a client with whom we hold a 15-year relationship. We are responsible for maintaining this data and for the ongoing accommodation churns which occur each year.
SSE became involved with Flinders Medical Centre after originally being conceived in 2006/7 by the SA Health as a major project. SSE were asked by SA Health to develop a brief for the overall sustainment of the engineering services across the site which was expected to be as much as 35% of the overall $160M notional budget.
SSE audited the engineering infrastructure, analysed the operation of the plant, serviceability, compliance, OHW&S issues and energy performance and then prepared a brief to consultants tendering for the overall redevelopment. The briefing included a sustainment plan for all engineering disciplines, as well as an overall strategy for energy improvements in line with SA Health and SA Government targets.
SSE was subsequently asked by another consulting firm in 2007/8 to collaborate with them for the delivery of the engineering designs. Within the overall redevelopment SSE participated in Stage 1, the main infrastructure upgrading works of some $30M and were responsible for the conversion of the high temperature heating hot water (HTHHW) northern branch to medium temperature heating hot water (MTHHW), Steam Rationalisation and reticulation improvements, and the site-wide BMS Upgrade which saw the total replacement of the older I-Net7 BMS and legacy pneumatic systems.
SSE also assisted with peer reviews of their completed designs prior to tendering to specialist trades. Since completing our initial works, SSE has continued to provide a reviewing and supporting role to the Flinders Medical Centre in the areas of sustainment and energy performance.
Achieving the right balance often requires some lateral thinking to satisfy current regulations and minimise the impact on the environment being preserved. SSE’s ‘fit for purpose’ philosophy ensures the right balance is achieved through rigorous analysis and modelling.
Sizing and selection of an ammonia glycol chiller for Vinpac in the Barossa Valley, extraction systems associated with the servicing of diesel trains, cooling water and heat rejection systems for the testing of water heaters for Electrolux, particulate and heat extractions systems, cool rooms, flammable storage rooms and extruder nozzle cooling for a factory at Lonsdale, and cooling assistance to curing of large concrete structures including dam walls at South Para.
As the majority of our involvement has been within operational and occupied areas, we have extensive experience in the undertaking of these types of works in facilities that are required to remain operational during the course of refurbishment works.
The most recent and relevant project is the Glenside Hospital Redevelopment, Site-wide Campus Master Planning including concept design of the site infrastructure for Mental Health, Assisted Living, Arts Precinct, Retail Precinct, Residential Development and Open Public Areas.
The approach to the task at Glenside is now currently underway at Minda Inc Brighton, to firstly identify and document the “Legacy” infrastructure and any limitations and then conceptualise the needs of the redevelopment, allowing the reuse of infrastructure connections as appropriate and planning in segregations and site staging requirements to ensure continuity of site operations.
Site-wide Master Planning including concept design of the site infrastructure, Electricity, Gas, Water and Sewer to support the proposed new hospital.
Site-wide Master Planning including concept design of the site infrastructure, Electricity, Gas, Water and Sewer to support the new use of the hospital site including staging for deconstruction and re-feeding structures that have been identified for preservation.
Site-wide Master Planning including concept design of the site infrastructure, Electricity, Gas, Water and Sewer to support the new hospital for Acute, Allied Health, Rehabilitation and Support Services.
We have been involved in many sites for the Department for Corrections, including refurbishment of the air conditioning at the Adelaide Remand Centre, Saltbush, Greenbush and Bluebush buildings at the Port Augusta Prison, the Adelaide Women’s Prison and Yatala Labour Prisons.
Typically these sites would initially be subject to a feasibility review to ascertain the most appropriate method of air conditioning, taking into consideration the existing electrical, gas and supply infrastructure. Budget estimates and life cycle analysis follows for each of the options proposed. Once the client has agreed on a concept we would then typically provide full design and documentation thus enabling competitive tendering, culminating in construction phase involvement consisting of progressive site inspections, review of any “as-installed” or workshop drawings, and defects inspections upon the completion of the project.
Extensive involvement in the provision of Building Services for sports halls constructed during the recent Building Education Revolution Funds (BER projects) including Mechanical Services (air conditioning / ventilation), Electrical Services (lighting, power and data) for sites such as St Michaels School in Hahndorf; Redeemer Lutheran School, Nuriootpa; Good Shepard Lutheran School, Para Vista; Pedare Junior School, Golden Grove.
Non-Government sites such as the Roxby Downs Community Sports Hall, refurbishment of the air conditioning and ventilation systems in conjunction with recent roofing replacements works working directly with the local contractors.
SA Parliament House, Old Parliament House,
19 Grenfell Street, 45 Grenfell Street, 91-97 Grenfell Street Adelaide, Citi Centre, 55 Currie Street and 99 Gawler Place. Further notable projects include Modbury Hospital ($12M), Whyalla Hospital ($4M) and Flinders Medical Centre which incorporated a Major Project ($160M).
At the smaller end of the retail spectrum, we have mainly focussed on the “On The Run Group” providing engineering services for over 80 of their stores, incorporating reverse cycle air conditioning and mechanical extraction systems for food preparation processes, including “Wok in a Box”, “Subway”, “Oporto’s” and “Brumby’s”.